Material Removal Curve Calculation for Turbochargers 2 Plane Balancing
Becze Sigismund , Technical University of Cluj-Napoca; Vuscan Gheorghe Loan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Turbocharger; Balancing; Material Removal Curve; Calibration; High Speed Balancing Machines
In the turbocharging business, manufacturers are using industrial balancing machines to balance the so-called center housing rotating assemblies on the production line. The Material Removal Curve calculation is critical for the calibration and prediction of the cut for the turbochargers’ balancing. In practice, the equations resulted from the MRC are used by the software of industrial balancing machines to identify the depth of the cut related to the measured unbalance on the physical CHRA. The software of high-speed turbocharger balancing machines uses, for balancing, calibration parameters resulted from the material removal curve. Those curves are constructed using 3D CAD software matching the unbalance with the depth of the cut (cutting conditions: tool geometry, tool position vs. the part to be cut). The resulted curve is called the Material Removal Curve, which is then approximated with an equation-based curve. The power function curve provides a good approximation, while the 3rd degree polynomial one provides the best match.
Other Details:
Manuscript Id | : | IJSTEV5I10010
Published in | : | Volume : 5, Issue : 10
Publication Date | : | 01/05/2019
Page(s) | : | 30-34
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