Impact of Marble Dust on Cement Concrete
Marble Powder, Compressive Strength, Mix Design, Physical & Engineering Properties of Cement Concrete
Allowing the waste materials to the environment directly without proper treatment can cause environmental hazards. Hence as far as possible reuse or proper recycling of waste material has been emphasized. Waste can be used to produce new products or can be used as admixtures so that natural resource scan be used more efficiently and the environment is protected from waste deposits & other hazards. Marble stone industry generates both solid waste and stone slurry as their by-products Whereas solid waste materials are the materials which are rejected at the mine sites or at the processing units & stone slurry is a semi liquid substance consisting of particles originating from the sawing and the polishing processes of marble including water which is used to cool and lubricate the sawing and polishing machines. Stone slurry generated during processing corresponds to around 40% of the final product from stone industry. Therefore the scientific and industrial community must commit towards more sustainable practices of disposal of marble wastes without affecting the environment. In the present study the marble dust with varying proportions are mixed with concrete materials & analyzed for its physical and engineering properties, with the further analysis an introduction of marble waste in a proper proportions will lead to increase in the compressive strength of the concrete cubes which are being tested for 7 days & 28 days strength.
Other Details:
Manuscript Id | : | IJSTEV4I6003
Published in | : | Volume : 4, Issue : 6
Publication Date | : | 01/01/2018
Page(s) | : | 6-11
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