Secure Intrusion Detection Sytem for MANET
Anisha John , Dept. of CSE Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally,Kottayam; Athira Haridas, Dept. of CSE Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally,Kottayam; Gopika R Nair, Dept. of CSE Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally,Kottayam; Jince George, Dept. of CSE Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally,Kottayama
Mobile ad-hoc network, security, security attacks, DDoS attack, DSDV protocol
In today’s era MANET (mobile adhoc network) is a common technology which has great potential to be applied in commercial applications and also in military procedures. In this network the nodes are connected by wireless links and send data to each other forming an autonomous system. The nodes themselves work as the transmitter and receiver. MANETs do not have any centralised system and usually have a routable networking environment on top of a link layer adhoc network. Since it is self-routing and agile in nature its security has many flaws. In this project an intrusion detection system(IDS) is built to solve these security issues. So without prior knowledge of the attack the attacks can be detected. Among attacks on adhoc networks DDoS (distributed denial of service) is one of the most prominent attacks. The DDoS attack happens through the co-ordination of large amount of hosts distributed in the network which sends large number of packet to the target node. As a result, at the victim side due to the large traffic bandwidth gets consumed and important packets cannot be send to the victim in the network. In this project the effect of DDoS attack is analysed through three different criteria’s using 12 nodes with the help of DSDV protocol. The three different criterias are Normal case, the attack case and the IDS case. The effect of DDoS in routing load, packet drop rate, end to end delay, i.e. maximizing due to attack on network is evaluated. And with these parameters a secure IDS is made to detect this kind of attack and block it. Using this the need of centralised trusted authority for security is eliminated in adhoc network.
Other Details:
Manuscript Id | : | IJSTEV2I10324
Published in | : | Volume : 2, Issue : 10
Publication Date | : | 01/05/2016
Page(s) | : | 1193-1195
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