Ashik S. Dandare , P. B. C. O. E.; Ankush P. Ramteke, P. B. C. O. E.; Mohit V. Ghatole, P. B. C. O. E.; Hindraj R. Karhewar, P. B. C. O. E.; Suhas V. Kale, P. B. C. O. E.
cleaning efficiency, cleaning loss, grain separation and sieving
This Paper deals with development of Grain cleaning machine and presents a review of approaches and needs of farmers. Available evidences in rural India indicate the use of handmade mechanism for the separation purpose. This method is time consuming and also grains are broken. With increasing of high-quality grain’s requirement on the market and spreading of grain growths area, it’s imperative to develop high-efficient post harvesting machinery which is suitable for grain reaping, threshing separating and cleaning. And, the grain cleaning mechanism, which is a very important part of the combine post harvesting phenomenon The Developed grain separation machine has ability to remove the contaminants such as stones, sticks, chaffs, and dust in grains. It is also capable of reducing time wastage, reduction in breakage of the grains and separation of the stalk from the grains, the research and development situation of cleaning mechanism is mainly introduced in this paper.
Other Details:
Manuscript Id | : | IJSTEV2I10122
Published in | : | Volume : 2, Issue : 10
Publication Date | : | 01/05/2016
Page(s) | : | 521-524
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