Automatic Intelligence Car Robot
Rajesh SIngh Shekhawat , B. K. Birla Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pilani; Rajesh Singh Shekhawat, BKBIET Pilani; Amit Sain, BKBIET Pilani; Gaurav Bhardwaj, BKBIET Pilani
Robot, Sense, Controller, Path, Arduino, Motor
The AIC (Automatic Intelligence Car) Robot is like the expert system or having the features of AI (Artificial Intelligence). It has ability to sense the environment and decide the navigation path without any human input. In this we used several of equipment for driving as well as for its function. We can say that it is the basic of modern world and have such features like line follower, obstacle avoiding, path finder and wireless controller with help of Bluetooth. In this we also join the feature of PID controller and skid steering method.
Other Details:
Manuscript Id | : | IJSTEV2I10120
Published in | : | Volume : 2, Issue : 10
Publication Date | : | 01/05/2016
Page(s) | : | 504-508
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