Ultrasonic Sensor System on Linux OS using Bluetooth Communication
Sutariya Hardik Jayantilal , Gujarat Technological University PG School
Bluetooth, BlueZ protocol stack, Distance measurement, Linux OS, Raspberry pi, Ultrasonic sensor, Wiring Pi
The development of ultrasonic testing system based on Bluetooth communication is a system which is measure the ultrasonic data and transmits to this data to user display using Bluetooth wireless communication. It has great application prospect in various industries. All the hardware environment are set up on raspberry pi board. Data communication by bluetooth is done in Linux environment by using of BlueZ protocol stack. The data capture by the ultrasonic sensor is displayed on Linux PC. Ultrasonic sensor can be used for automotive ultrasonic distance measurement system, ultrasound imaging (sonography), ultrasonic testing, ultrasonic welding etc
Other Details:
Manuscript Id | : | IJSTEV1I2018
Published in | : | Volume : 1, Issue : 2
Publication Date | : | 01/09/2014
Page(s) | : | 23-28
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